Unlocking Our Planet's Ancient Secrets. At Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE), we are on a mission to piece together billions of years of our planet's history through a groundbreaking Big Science initiative recognized by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). By harnessing massive geodatasets and innovative technologies, our global collaboration aims to create an interconnected digital profile of Earth's past unlike anything that has come before it. We seek to transform the field of Earth science by making our planet's geological heritage accessible like never before. Researchers worldwide will be empowered to gain extraordinary new insights into long-term climate shifts, evolutionary milestones, mineral deposits, and more to better understand the world we live in today. Join us on this bold quest to unveil the epic story of Earth's origins, environments, and inhabitants across immense stretches of time. With deeper knowledge of where we have been as a planet, we can chart a brighter course for where we are yet to go.