An Introduction to the Deep-time Digital Earth

The Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE) is the first IUGS-recognized big science programme. DDE is committed to developing itself as a provider of public goods and services for science and technology development globally, in particular to assist countries to realize SDGs adopted by the UN in 2015. The overall mission of DDE is to harmonize global earth evolution data and share global geoscience knowledge. The long-term vision of DDE is to transform the earth sciences by encouraging a data-driven research paradigm. Currently, DDE has 23 Founding Members and 26 Working and Task Groups (WTGs).


Research Center of Excellence

Research Centres of Excellence are established for support and implementation of the DDE program. The Deep-time Digital Earth Centre of Excellence (RCE) to be established in China will act as the first Secretariat Office of the DDE on behalf of the members. The Secretariat Office of the DDE will be reselected every four years by the DDE GC.

Governing Council

The Governing Council (GC) provides governance, financial and scientific overview, makes major policy decisions and reviews the acceptance of new members for the program.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee (EC) manages activities and reports annually to the GC on the past year's operational activities providing a budget report and a summary of scientific accomplishments.

Science Committee

The Science Committee (SC) is an independent body of internationally renowned experts with research fields related to DDE. It provides scientific evaluation of competing proposals submitted to DDE and provides a priority list to the DDE GC.



Working & Task Groups

Working Groups (WG) are the working force of DDE which provide the EC with the operational capabilities to manage the program and to support individual DDE projects. Task groups (TG) are established by the EC for implementing specific tasks or projects usually within a limited time duration.
Framework Documents
DDE is a big science program dedicated to facilitate innovation in understanding the Earth’s evolution and applications as well as the sustainable development goals utilizing big data analytics, internet cloud computing, data mining, machine learning and AI.
Medium Term Plan 2021-2025
Finalized September 2020 by the DDE Secretariat. Click to learn more.
DDE Science Plan
DDE Statutes
Approved by DDE Governing Council in September 2021. Click to download a PDF version.
DDE IP Policy
Published by the Executive Committee September 2021. Click to download the PDF.