DDE at GSA 2023 in Pittsburg, PA


DDE of IUGS at GSA Connects 2023

(Pittsburg, PA, Sat-Wed, 14-18 Oct 2023)



DDE was pleased to see our affiliates, colleagues, peers, and friends at GSA in Pittsburgh, PA! Thank you to everyone who attend our events and stopped by our booth in the exhibit hall. The following is a short summary of the activities in which DDE participated during the conference. 

DDE Short Course:

“Deep-time.org: The One-Stop Online Research Platform for Geoscientists" from 8:00 to 12:00 on 14 October 2023. The course was conducted by Drs. Linshu Hu and Xinbing Wang and their colleagues from the DDE Platform Group.

This short-course enabled participants to browse and access extensive datasets on Earth’s history, conduct online analysis and one-stop scientific research, and experience and explore the cutting-edge applications and breakthroughs of AI, cloud computing, and other technologies in data-driven geoscientific research. The topics addressed included: (1) Introduction to deep-time.org; (2) DataExpo: A Dataset Service for OpenScience Research; (3) OneStratigraphy; (4) Deep-time Geography: An integrated platform of data, models, and workflows; and (5) DDE Outcrop-3D. This course included tutorials, discussion, and breakout sessions to explore any ideas or projects that participants wished to explore. The course succeeded in conveying the value of the DDE Platform for data-driven research in geological science disciplines and, at the same time, received important feedback from participants for further improving performance and user friendliness of the Platform. This was the first-ever DDE short-course offered to an international audience. There were about 25 people participating or assisting. Deep-time.org, the DDE Platform, offers users DDE Cloud’s extensive online resources and tools.

Two DDE Special Sessions:

Time Machine: Earth’s Deep-Time Geography—Data, Reconstructions, Challenges, on October 18, 2023, from 1:30 to 5:30 pm. The Conveners were: Sabin Zahirovic (University of Sydney), Australia, and James Ogg and Haipeng Li of the DDE Paleogeography Reconstruction Network.

This was a very large session, which consisted of 10 Oral presentations, 11 on-site posters and 4 online posters, i.e., 35 presentations in total. In addition to the countless discussions associated with the formal presentations, especially the busy poster session, an international subset of the active paleogeographic community held an off-site dinner meeting to coordinate database directions with the DDE platform goals. In turn, this led to planning of a 3-day workshop at the University of Vienna to be held before the next EGU in April 2024.


Deep-Time Empowered Sustainability, Energy Transition, and Carbon Solutions, on October 17, 2023, from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon, convened by Susan Nash of AAPG, a DDE Founding member.

The session included a focus on using analytics and deep/geological time data to find minerals, now keenly sought for the energy transitions underway globally, in overlooked formations and using different analytical techniques for evaluating subsurface options for energy storage.

The session kicked off with a presentation by Robert Hazen of the Carnegie Science Institute, who set the stage for a new way of rapidly and accurately pinpointing types of geological formation and structures (as well as heat flow) based on an evolutionary system of mineralogy, which in essence, allows mineral fingerprinting. Hazen’s conceptual underpinning formed a foundation for the other papers, which discussed the tools needed in conjunction with machine learning to do the fingerprinting heuristic. The applications of the approach were found in the presentations, which included quantifying brucite and serpentine, developing reservoir models for a depleted Trenton-Black River reservoir in southern Michigan, 3D visualization of the subsurface in Marcellus/Utica formations, critical minerals in marine mudstones in the upper Devonian of western New York State, and finally, using analytics to identify the lithium-rich zones and sweet spots in the Reynolds member of the Smackover Limestone in Arkansas.

The DDE booth at the GSA was “super-sized” this year, compared to that in 2022, with a high level of engagement. There were numerous posters presented by DDE scholars, as well as presentations at the booth, facilitated by Jim and Gabi Ogg and Whitney Laundress.


In addition to the booth, course, special sessions, and poster sessions, DDE hosted a dinner reception, which was well attended by people interested in DDE, the DDE short-course participants, the session presenters, and the DDE Research Center of Excellence (RCE), the first in the US established at Carnegie Institute, Washington D.C.



The DDE will sponsor or co-sponsor 9 events at the GSA – Short-course, Reception, Booths, Oral and Poster sessions:

 Sat, 14 Oct, 8am-Noon; Westin Hotel, Allegheny III room

DDE short-course - 520. Deep-time.org: The One-Stop Online Research Platform for Geoscientists. 

The Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE) program of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) will present a short course during GSA Connects 2023 (15-18 Sept). The hands-on course will be conducted through a combination of demonstrations, case studies, and exercise modules. The DDE aims to freely provide geoscientific researchers with extensive databases and cutting-edge tools enabling them to efficiently discover, process and analyze data in fields of Earth science.

GSA Connects 2023, the annual conference of the Geological Society of America (GSA), will take place from 15-18 Oct. 2023, at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA 15222. Our short course "Deep-time.org: The One-Stop Online Research Platform for Geoscientists" will be held on Saturday, 14 Oct, 2023, from 8:00 to 12:00, the day before the main conference. Early registration for short courses will close on Sept. 13.

The hands-on modules will include:

1.     DataExpo: A dataset service for open-science research in deep-time and other geoscience topics.

2.     Paleogeographic plotting and cross-comparison of climatic, paleontologic and other datasets.

3.     1:5 million global geological map that was just released

4.     3-D outcrop tools, including access to an extensive library of teaching sections and GSSPs.

This course is highly practical, and we will provide detailed tutorials. Ample time will be allocated for practice and discussion in each section.

A Short Course Only option is allowed without needing to register for the entire conference. Don't forget to register before Sept. 13 and include the Deep-time.org Short Course.  




Sun-Wed, 15-18 Oct, DDE Booths (Exhibit Hall)

        IUGS Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE); Booths 416-418 (in PaleoAlley; one booth is co-shared with MacroStrat/PaleoBiology Database, e-ODP).  Exhibition hours: Sun 5pm-7pm; Mon/Tues 10am-6:30pm; Wed, 10am-2pm;


Sun, 15 Oct, 8:00am-Noon; Oral Session (Room 335; plus posters in Hall B)

16 (and 46)- T135 The Past, Present, and Future of the Digital Data Revolution and Its Effect on the Geosciences (Oral, and Posters).  See listings at https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2023AM/meetingapp.cgi/Session/54751; and https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2023AM/meetingapp.cgi/Session/55583


Mon, 16 Oct, 8am-5:30pm; Poster session (Hall B; Booths 325-341)

116 - T172. Time Machine: Earth’s Deep-Time Geography—Data, Reconstructions, Challenges (Posters).  See listing at https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2023AM/meetingapp.cgi/Session/55599


Mon, 16 Oct, 8:00am-Noon; Oral Session (Room 315/316)

89 - T153. Mineral Informatics and the Evolution of Earth, Planets, and Life: In Honor of MSA Awardee, Shaunna M. Morrison (Oral).  See listing at https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2023AM/meetingapp.cgi/Session/54589


Tues, 17 Oct, 8:00am-11am; Oral Session (Room 320)

141 - T4. Deep-Time Empowered Sustainability, Energy Transition, and Carbon Solutions (Oral).  See listing at https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2023AM/meetingapp.cgi/Session/54685


Tues, 17 Oct, 6:30pm-8:00pm; DDE Reception (Room 336 – note room change)

Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE), IUGS Big Science Program – Reception


Wed, 18 Oct, 1:30pm-5:15pm; Oral Session (Room 320)

116 - T172. Time Machine: Earth’s Deep-Time Geography—Data, Reconstructions, Challenges (Oral).  See listing at https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2023AM/meetingapp.cgi/Session/54688


Wed, 18 Oct, 8:00am-5:30; Poster Session (Hall B)

89 - T153. Mineral Informatics and the Evolution of Earth, Planets, and Life: In Honor of MSA Awardee, Shaunna M. Morrison (Posters).  See listing at https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2023AM/meetingapp.cgi/Session/555589