IN PERSON Governing Council Meeting, November 8, 2022 in Paris


Open call for all GC members to attend an in person meeting in Paris, France at the UNESCO Headquarters.

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A letter from the DDE GC Chair, Jenny McKinley:


October 21, 2022


To:        Member, DDE Governing Council (GC)

From:   Prof. Jennifer McKinley, Chair, DDE-GC

5th Session of DDE-GC, November 8, 2022, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France

Further to my letter to all of you dated September 23, 2022, I wish to update you on preparations, plan, and the agenda for the 5th session of the GC to be convened in UNESCO, Paris, on November 8, 2022.

There are at least 7 new organizations that have become DDE members during 2021 and 2022 whose recognition at the meeting must be allocated adequate time. Furthermore, there are potential members who may consider joining DDE who are expected to attend the UNESCO, IUGS, DDE Co-organized DDE Open Science Forum in Salle II, UNESCO, Paris on the November 9, 2022 (see: for the registration page of the Forum).

In discussions with the Chair of the DDE EC, Prof. Chengshan Wang and the Secretariat, I have decided to invite a few such potential future members to observe the GC session and to provide them the opportunity to raise questions or seek clarifications with respect to DDE’s work and the benefits of becoming a DDE Member.

Hence, I have now decided to have a full-day GC meeting instead of the 3-hour meeting as indicated in my communication with you on September 23, 2022. We may not need a full 3-hours after lunch; but we feel planning only a 3-hour session in the morning does not provide adequate time to cover all items of the revised agenda which now reads as follows:

1.  Welcome to the participants by the Chair.

2.  Report on activities undertaken by the DDE Secretariat since the last DDE GC Session held on March 14, 2022.

3.  Welcome and signing of agreements with new Members who joined DDE during 2021-2022.

4. Membership:

(i) Distinction between Founding Members and Members

(ii) Membership contribution

5. National Working Groups - a new category? Is it needed? What are the pros and cons of establishing this new category and including it in DDE Statutes?

6. DDE Data Alliance - Membership, benefits, and obligations.

7. DDE Paleogeographic Reconstruction Alliance.

8. Q&A session for potential new members observing the DDE GC session.

8. DDE Future: Member expectations regarding the use of DDE Platform (, data sharing, and related matters.

9.  AOB.

10. Closing of the meeting.


As indicated in my message of September 23, 2022, this is the first face-to-face meeting of the GC. Hence, I encourage all of you to do your best to nominate a representative of your organization who could attend in person. For those who are unable to do so, we shall provide information in our next communication for participating in the meeting on-line.

The GC session is scheduled for November 8, 2022, from 1000 -1300 and 1400 – 1700 hrs (Room to be identified), UNESCO, 7 Place de Fontenoy, Paris, France, 75007.

Kindly also note that the event that was planned for November 6-8 in collaboration with BRGM, as indicated in my communication of September 23, has now been replaced by a one-day event to provide a status update on the work of several DDE WTGs on November 7, 2022, at the Maison de la Geologie in Paris, France. BRGM and some other data driven research organizations are also expected to contribute to this event. Those of you who will arrive in Paris, France on November 6th or earlier are welcome to attend this event in person; others may wish to join the meeting on-line.


More information on this event is available at:


I look forward to welcoming you all to the 5th session of the GC at UNESCO, Paris, on November 8, 2022.