Split Screen and Multi-Screen LinkageSplit Screen and Multi-Screen Linkage
Split screen and multi-screen linkage is a tool provided by DDE Platform for researchers to conduct multi-screen visual comparative analysis.
Map applications frequently involve the comparison of two grid or vector maps. Generally, the roller shutter effect can be used. However, if the roller shutter effect does not meet the user requirements or additional periods of data need to be compared simultaneously, multiple maps can be defined, and multi-screen linkage used to fulfil the requirements of multi-period data comparison.
How to use:
After visualizing the data in Earth Explorer, click the tools module on the left side to use this function. Once the data are set, the user can drag the vertical axis to change the visual display. It is recommended that two or more data layers are loaded to use this function.
Earth Explorer-Tool-Split screen and multi-screen linkage
This function is available after free registration.