DDE DeepBoneDDE DeepBone
DDE’s DeepBone.org is a specimen-based structured database created by manually extracting structured data from the published literature. All data are updated according to the latest references, and the framework of DeepBone.org is based on the most recent phylogeny tree. Each specimen contains at least one reference within the dataset. Lithostratigraphic information from the original authors is used except where revised, in which case the latest revision in the literature is used to modify the dataset. Amendments are linked to the latest reference. Geological background data is used unless missing from the original literature. Because the data format is designed as specimen-based, metadata are input according to the published specimen ID or virtual specimen ID. Note: literature on classic systematic paleontology always uses real specimen IDs however, when dealing with stratigraphic topics, authors usually cited fossil records instead of real specimens. Therefore, a virtual specimen ID system is introduced to store taxon information where the literature does not contain real specimens.The early vertebrate dataset is the most comprehensive on DeepBone.org, especially placoderms and agnathans.
Users can explore and download DeepBone data in three ways; 1) via the web user interface; 2) by using the Download page on DeepBone.org and specifying parameters to obtain a CSV file; 3) by writing direct data queries to the DeepBone API.