DDE Geological time scale knowledge graph (GTSKG)DDE Geological time scale knowledge graph (GTSKG)
DDE’s Geological time scale knowledge graph (GTSKG) integrates existing geological time scales (GTS) permitting a fast search of numerical age and alignment between versions. GTSKG contains GTS published between 1917 and 2022 from a wide variety of sources and includes information on provenance as well as a pictorial display of GTS. GTSKG integrates literature with websites and existing knowledge graphs. GTSKG is based on Unified Time Framework (UTF) ontology and translates geological chronology figures into simplified semantic structures, transforming from a flow-type graph to a knowledge graph. A number of data sets are now uploaded to GeoOpenKG – these can be downloaded and used with GTSKG. The online data format can be imported into existing graph databases or called using programming software. GTSKG website address is: https://geoopenkg.deep-time.org/kgs/1
Schematic diagram of the conceptual structure of time ontology
GTSKG's shared platform. Image(ICS201402) is taken from https://stratigraphy.org/ |