SEMINAR: Energy in data DDE, Feb 2022


February 20 – 23, 2022 / Austin, Texas, USA

The three-society (SEG – AAPG – SPE) conference took place at the Renaissance Hotel in Austin, Texas, February 20 – 23, 2022. The conference consisted of keynotes, technical presentations, technical panels, breakout collaboration sessions, and exhibits in three main areas: Data Management & Architecture, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, and ESG (Environment, Sustainability, and Governance).  A total of 226 attended the conference. There will be follow-up videos and webinars.

A link to the downloadable program is here: 

DDE was represented by David Leary, who participated in a panel in the Data Management and Architecture Track, and who participated in discussion sessions, breakout collaboration sessions, and more. David also gave a presentation on the goals, mission, and opportunities in conjunction with DDE.

Susan Nash, AAPG, facilitated breakout collaboration sessions and helped moderate panels in the Data Management and Architecture Track.  


Susan Nash, AAPG, Sue Pritchett, Icon Science, and Cynthia Schwendeman, BP.


Opening ceremony, Energy In Data, February 21, 2022.


Spot, the robot dog, from Cognite. IceBreaker and Networking receptions, Feb 20, 21, 22, 2022.


Mini-keynote presentations and panel discussions in three different technical track. This one is from the Data Management and Architecture Track.


Collaborative breakout session to identity industry data challenges, opportunities, and barriers to resolution.  Each day: Feb 21, 22, 23.



A lively discussion of some of the barriers to data solutions to challenges. David Leary, DDE, on the right.


Audience listening to presentations and preparing to ask questions during the discussion time in a technical track.


David Leary making a presentation for DDE at Energy In Data, February 23, 2022, in Austin, Texas.


Audience asking questions during question and answer time in a technical track.


Panelists for the topic of Data Standarization. Sashi Gunturu (PetraBytes), Benin Chelinsky (IHSMarkit), Julian Chenin (Bluware), David Leary (Deeptime Digital Earth), and Milton Lopez (SkyGrid).