Global Paleogeographic Collaboration Network Meeting in Paris, France November 8, 2022


Paleogeography Network meeting in Paris - Agenda

Date & Time: Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022,  10:00-16:30

Place: UNESCO Headquarters, Salle III, Paris

UNESCO Metropolitan "ECO - RISE" R2020 Colloquium - W-SMART

Registration: to attend, please send an email to Jim Ogg ( or Haipeng Li ( before November 1, 2022 


The IUGS-UNESCO Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE) "Open Science" program is to enable data-driven discovery. Therefore, the DDE's missions are to provide inter-linked databases, tools, reference material and other infrastructure for unraveling Earth's history.

For Paleogeography in the broad sense, there are two main types of data and visualizations:            

(1) Orientation and relationships of the tectonic plates through time

(2) Depositional environments and topography on each plate.


Proposed themes for this Paris meeting:

              (1) Data availability, sharing, curation, delivery to applications, and age-models

              (2) Common or desired tools, applications, and levels of resolution

              (3) Public delivery for different audiences (from climate-modelers to schools)

              (4) Setting priorities and milestones for team efforts (and for DDE)




Moderator or Speaker




Jim Ogg and Haipeng Li


Theme 1 – Data (reconstructions; environments; topography)


Presentation: Data for plate reconstructions

Mathew Domeier. (TBA)

Ca. 10-min overview; then discussion


Discussion:  Challenges and solutions for data sharing, provenance, vetting, uncertainties, delivery, etc.


Presentation: Data for surface environments and topography

Guillaume Dupont-Nivet (TBA)

Ca. 10-min overview; then discussion


Discussion:  Challenges and solutions for data sharing, provenance, vetting, delivery,  etc.  Filling gaps and including uncertainties.

Theme 2 – Tools (reconstruction applications; visualizations)


Presentation: Plate tectonic model applications

Mathew Domeier. (TBA)

Ca. 10-min overview; then discussion


Discussion: Access to plate-motion models, enabling manipulation and adding new information, uncertainties, etc.


LUNCH  (provided on-site)



Theme 2 (continued) – Tools (Surface maps)


Presentation: From sediment facies to climate models

Chris Scotese (TBA)

Ca. 10-min overview; then discussion


Discussions: Automate data display?  Facies vs Depositional vs Topography vs Climate and ecosystems.  Degrees of interpretation.  Handling uncertainties and divergent views.  . . .

Theme 3 – Delivery to different audiences


Presentation: Current ways to convey paleogeography

Paul Markwick (TBA)

Ca. 10-min overview; then discussion


Discussion topics: Needs of different audiences (digital for climate modelers to basin-level for resources to artistic beauty for schools and museums).  Many flowers bloom vs public confusion.  How to embed different resolutions (global to basinal)?  . . .

Theme 4 – Priorities and milestones


Discussion topics:  Priority items; Global-Paleogeography Collaboration Network?  Time-frames, Who coordinates.  How can DDE help? . . .

Jim Ogg and Haipeng Li

Split into 2 groups; then compare ideas


Full group for synthesis of recommendations






Potential deliverables:

A brief white-paper and a roadmap for a Global-Paleogeography Collaboration Network with the current status, challenges, needs and future directions of paleogeography and its closely related disciplines. Itemized list of desired supporting items (database hosting/linking, tools, etc.) to be provided by the DDE.